Home Modifications for Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy lawsuits are sometimes the best ways for parents to get help dealing with the tremendous costs of treating a child with this condition. Cerebral Palsy encompasses a group of disorders that result from a brain injury, so there is no cure, only treatment. Here are three facts about the lawsuits filed over Cerebral Palsy that you may not have known before.

1. It’s About the Child and the Parents

There are cases where the jury declines to award the parents any money but where the child is awarded large sums. This is so that the child can take care of themselves when they reach adulthood and, oftentimes, it’s used for their medical care as a child, as well. This can bring a lot of peace of mind to parents who are terrified for the future of their child and who want to make sure that there is money available for their needs.

2. Settlements Are Sometimes Offered

Settlements involve the plaintiff—you—receiving a sum of money in exchange for dropping the lawsuit. These allow you to get compensation without having to pay for the costs of a jury trial. Be sure you ask your attorney about any settlement you’re offered. Sometimes, a healthcare facility or doctor’s insurance company will offer a settlement because they’re sure that they’d lose in a courtroom.

3. You Don’t Have to Pay Upfront

You can find a good cerebral palsy attorney to work for you on contingency. This means that they don’t get paid unless they win your claim. If you don’t win, your legal fees are waived. This is the best way for families to go forward with these lawsuits. It also ensures that attorneys don’t take cases that they don’t think will win just to get legal fees, which helps with trust between the client and the attorney.

Find cerebral palsy lawyer consult with about filing a lawsuit. They won’t take your case unless they feel that you’re likely to win and, most of the time, the consultation will be free. They will be able to get any information they need if they accept your case and will have plenty of resources to lean on if they need additional support to argue your claim. They’ll also make sure that you’re ready to go to court if it turns out that you’re going to have to present your claim to a jury. There are limitations on how long you have to decide.

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