Mild cerebral palsy is a form of Cerebral Palsy that can take some time to diagnose because the physician wishes to ensure it is not another type of movement disorder that may be in early progressive stages. Paying special attention to a child’s motor skills and speech early on in life will help in a proper diagnosis of mild cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is most often diagnosed early in a child’s life. Usually, before a child can communicate symptoms, they might recognize themselves.

Mild Cerebral Palsy
Mild Cerebral Palsy is a classification associated with the severity level of the impairment to the child. The scale of severity ranges from mild to moderate to severe. Through a series of communication methods and observations in mobility, physicians can generally classify the severity level early on, but the diagnosis can change. Generally wanting a correct diagnosis, doctors may forego a diagnosis until after several visits to specialists.
The generalizations of characteristics of a child with mild Cerebral Palsy consist of a child being able to move freely without assistance. The day-to-day activities are not necessarily limited to impairment from Cerebral Palsy. A more severe level is moderate Cerebral Palsy, which may require a child to use leg braces to walk, medications, and adaptive technology to assist in everyday functions. If a child does not show these severe signs of impairment, a classification of mild Cerebral Palsy would be used as terminology for the child’s severity level of cerebral palsy.
Children with mild cerebral palsy generally can still live normal lives, with little assistance needed to function freely in society. In some cases, a child with mild Cerebral Palsy might only seem slightly awkward when undergoing daily functions and will require no special assistance throughout their lifetime. The ability to live a normal, independent life with mild Cerebral Palsy greatly depends on the child’s self-management of the logistics of life as they grow into adulthood.
Diagnosis of cerebral palsy should be conducted in the early stages of childhood so the correct analysis can be determined and proper treatment and care can begin immediately. Treatment can be expensive, but if medical malpractice was the cause of your child’s cerebral palsy, an attorney may be able to help you file a claim. There is help for families unaware of where to turn and treatment facilities for children and families of the child with Cerebral Palsy. Call us with any legal questions at 1-855-833-3707.