A cerebral palsy lawyer helps parents file a claim in order to seek compensation from the doctor and/or hospital who’s negligence led to their child developing cerebral palsy.

Choosing an attorney is an important part of the process. When you’re selecting a lawyer to represent you in such a case, you have to make sure that they have the qualities needed to win your case. Here are some things to consider.

Contingency, not Hourly

A lawyer working on contingency has to earn their pay in the most literal sense imaginable. With a contingency-fee agreement, you only pay attorneys fees if your attorney wins your case and puts money in your pocket. If they take you on as a client but end up losing your case, you literally owe them nothing. A lawyer working on contingency believes that they can win your claim to the extent that they are risking their pay on it.

Experience is Only Half of the Equation

You need a lawyer who has actually won cases, not merely one who has experience. The attorney you hire should give you enough confidence to go forward without feeling like you’re making a mistake. That confidence comes easily when you know that they have a record of success.

Good Communication

There will likely be times when your attorney is waiting on something so that they can move forward with your case. Be sure you hire an attorney who will communicate with you in such situations. Suing is stressful, and it helps if they’re willing to let you know how about any delays or issues with your case.

You Need an Attorney with a Passion for These Cases

Some attorneys who pursue these cases are actually very passionate about them, common public perceptions aside. Remember that a cerebral palsy diagnosis sometimes means a lifetime of expensive medical treatments and other expenses. Lawsuits are sometimes the only avenue that parents have to make sure their children get the care they need, especially later in life.

Select a lawyer who really believes in your case and who wants to help. For a free consultation with our cerebral palsy attorneys, call 1-855-833-3707 today.

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